Women's Before and After Gallery
Women's Before and After Gallery
Here are some examples of ladies wearing the wrong and the right clothes for their body shapes. Even though many of the clothes in the "before" photos are lovely and may look great on someone else, they not right for these particular ladies for the reasons below. In the "after" photos, on the other hand, they are wearing the ideal clothes for them . All these clothes define their best features and draw attention away from those of which they are less fond!
Many thanks to all the ladies who modelled for us:
*Maximise images and captions by clicking on the square box to the right of thestart button. Each photo is displayed for 8 seconds -just pause slide show if you need more time to read the caption beneath.*
*Maximise images and captions by clicking on the square box to the right of thestart button. Each photo is displayed for 8 seconds -just pause slide show if you need more time to read the caption beneath.*

Check out my blog post: Dressing for your Body Shape-Women
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