What Some Of Our Customers Say:
What Some Of Our Customers Say:

"I attended a really fun/informative event earlier in the week run by an empathic and delightful lady called Cindy Forbes who is a very engaging speaker. She is the owner of Style and Substance Coaching, and is an Image and Life Coach
She does all sorts of things, but that night there were about 25 women most of whom didn’t know each other. She had large posters on the walls around the room, of different body shapes, named, and we stood under the one we thought we were. I’m an Inverted Triangle! Then she explained what each body shape meant, and the sort of clothes that work for it and the ones that don’t. There was audience participation and you could ask questions along the way.
I loved that she had a lady at the front in a nice dress for a short time. She then showed us how to turn that one modestly priced dress into 3 different outfits by accessorizing….e.g. it became an outfit for attending the races at Ascot by adding swish accessories, and an outfit for the office, or business meeting, by adding a lovely little Hobbs jacket and a couple of other things. It was very simple and not expensive.
In short it was fascinating and this group of women loved it."
Style Coaching
"I had gradually put on weight over the years and my shape seemed to have changed. I wasn't sure what clothes looked good on me anymore - I'd buy clothes and they'd just hang there, unworn, for months or years! My confidence levels were incredibly low. Cindy was great - we decluttered my wardrobe and she showed me how to dress and shop for my new shape and how to emphasise my best features. I'd never have believed I could look this good again! Now I love all my clothes and know I look great in them. Cindy's coaching has also helped me to build up my confidence - it's really changed my life for the better. I would highly recommend Style and Substance Coaching to anybody wanting to improve their image or indeed, any area of their life"
"I've always made an effort to look good - had my colours done, updated my hair and make-up regularly, gone on courses to find out the right style for me, read books on dressing well, shopped (in the sales) at an exclusive shop off Bond Street where the assistants really do assist - but i can honestly say that it was only after I had gone through my wardrobe with Cindy that I started to get compliments on how I looked rather than how nice my clothes were. There is a difference. When a young man at work, 30 years my junior, told me how great I looked, I knew it was money well spent!
Cindy guided me out of my designer suits (that actually did nothing for my figure) and coaxed me into outfits that accentuated my (previously, non existent) waist. How's that? Well, she showed me how to dress to look as if I had the figure I'd always dreamed of. The result was quite amazing, and when she took me shopping, we went to Primark as well as the more expensive chains, and I got just what I needed. She has changed my shopping, my spending and the way I look, all for the better. You don't need loads of money (in fact, once you know what suits you, you'll save money), but you do need good, impartial advice and Cindy gives you that. And...it's enormous fun!"
"Cindy really helped me get my wardrobe under control! It feels great every morning, to get up and know that whatever I choose to wear, I'll feel comfortable and confident. Definitely a good investment."
Career/Small Business Coaching
""After going through an acrimonious divorce, I was feeling low and was lacking direction in my life. Coaching with Cindy has been a very enriching and fulfilling experience. I had a lot of vague ideas about how I wanted to improve my life but I couldn't take the steps to make it happen. Cindy helped me focus and to rid myself of the emotional hurdles that were holding me back. I discovered how my negative self beliefs had been stopping me from moving on and now I feel positive about reaching my goals - very soon! I have almost finished writing a book about my experience of marital breakdown which I'm sure a lot of people will relate to. I am having it published later this year! I have found my sessions with Cindy so empowering - I know you will too"
“I first met Cindy at a point in my life where I was feeling overwhelmed by everything around me.
In the space of the previous few months I had: nursed an elderly dying relative so that she could die in peace at home; moved house; was working on re-launching my small business under a new name; had taken on some extra freelance work; had just completed the first draft of my book; and had become increasingly concerned about the state of my health.
Cindy's help was invaluable. It was so good to talk to her, but the added bonus was that she helped me structure a positive plan of action for everything, with a timescale, so that I stopped feeling so overwhelmed.
I have always been someone who thinks, "I don't need any help, I can work things out for myself," but I discovered this was not true. My mind was like a jungle - fruitful, but chaotic. I like to think it is getting a little more like Kew Gardens in there now - sweetly ordered - and that is thanks to Cindy. Thank you Cindy!”
Confidence Coaching
"When I was younger I had lots of confidence and was part of a large social group.
After some failed pregnancies, I was lucky enough to give birth to beautiful twins- a boy and a girl.
Unfortunately pregnancy took it's toll on my body - it seemed to have ballooned! I became very self-conscious. When I saw my reflection I felt disgusted with how I looked. My social life dwindled - I felt ashamed to be seen by people who had known me when I was younger and thinner!
My coaching with Cindy has enabled me to become enthusiastic about taking steps to regain my appearance and ultimately, my confidence. I have been able to rekindle my excitement about life and all that I've been missing out on.
I have lost two and a half stone so far and I'm now confident about making new friends, meeting old ones and living life to the full with my family. I haven't felt this positive in years!
I highly recommend Style and Substance Coaching to anyone who has dreams of a better life but can't motivate themselves to make their dreams come true!"
"Coaching with Cindy is really helping me sort out my life for the better. This coaching is ideal if you are feeling overwhelmed with your life - Cindy will help sort it all out, breaking it down into sections, setting you manageable mini goals and keeping you going until you have achieved them all-which suddenly, becomes a real possibility. To my astonishment, I am actually ahead of schedule on some of my goals! Being a single parent, it's sometimes hard when you don't have that other person in your life for a bit for support and encouragement and you can quite easily feel you can't cope with everything you need to do. Cindy is lovely, she makes you feel at ease immediately and I would recommend her coaching to anyone"
Interested in Becoming a Qualified Life Coach?
For information on New Insights Life Coaching courses, email me at cindy@styleandsubstancecoaching.co.uk